Gamified paradigms published in edublogs for Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Upper Secondary
educational games, educational technology, Web 2.0 technologies, Secondary Education, Vocational Education, Upper SecondaryAbstract
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a motivating element for learning as well as teachers’ concern about educational innovation are key elements in the inclusion of gamified proposals in schools. Educational gamification introduces typical elements of games in the classroom and the use of ICT as a tool to facilitate the teaching-learning process. The aim of this study is to classify, structure, and analyse the gamified systems that teachers display on the Internet through blogs. By means of a descriptive, non-experimental methodological design supported by data obtained from educational blogs, 111 edublogs with gamified experiences related to the educational stages of Secondary Education, Training Cycles, and Baccalaureate are analysed, and they contain at least four of the following game-based components: points, badges, classification tables, progress bars, missions or tasks, medals, rewards for effort or uncertain rewards, feedback, and interaction between players. The homogeneity in the constructs considered indicates that teachers become aware of their own identity as a facilitator of ICT-assisted play systems. The educational technology adopted reveals passive activity on the part of the students, who are the recipients of a system whose educational objectives are built around a change of attitude or an increase in motivation for the subject. An ample use of technological tools necessary to execute an efficient gamified system is detected, as well as the value of their use to motivate learning. Aspects such as the absence of interactions on blogs and the analysis of ICT tools used lead us to consider that the student’s role is limited to a mere recipient of rules, points, and badges in exchange for traditional tasks.
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