Fíos Fóra: sewing, precariousness and emancipation. The paradox of women in the Galician textile industry.

La paradoja de las mujeres en la industria textil gallega.





Militant documentary film, Women, Social reality, Collective Statement, Fashion documentary, Dressmakers


The social and cultural relationship between women and sewing goes back a long way, also in the field of work. Economists, sociologists and feminists have left us witnesses of what happened in Anglo-Saxon workshops and factories in the 19th century. Testimonies that, as we shall see, could be describing the situation in Galicia in the 20th century or in Bangladesh, Cambodia or India today.

With this article we want to analyse the 2015 documentary Fíos Fóra. Historias de obreiras, entre costuras e patrones (Threads Outside. Stories of workers, between seams and patterns) directed by the Galician collective Illa Bufarda. This film is part of a trend that has been revived after the financial crisis of 2008, in which the directors focus on the working conditions of the working class and vindicate the role of women in the economy. We will see how it moves away from the most common themes in fashion documentaries and the differences it introduces in the treatment of the subject.


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Author Biography

Ana Pérez Valdés, Universidade de Vigo

PhD in Contemporary Art from the University of Vigo. Guest lecturer at the same university in the degrees of Fine Arts, in the academic year 2022/2023, and Design, in the academic year 2023/2024. In her research she works mainly with the image, exploring methodologies that combine artistic and audiovisual creation with scientific and essayistic text. Her artistic work has been shown in several national and international exhibitions, as well as in film and video-creation festivals and fashion events.


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How to Cite

Pérez Valdés, A. (2024). Fíos Fóra: sewing, precariousness and emancipation. The paradox of women in the Galician textile industry.: La paradoja de las mujeres en la industria textil gallega. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (29), 295–319. https://doi.org/10.24310/fotocinema.29.2024.19628