La grieta: A Feminist Gaze towards Housing Eviction Crisis in Spain
Observational Cinema, Visuals Motifs, Evictions, Urban Peripheries, FeminismAbstract
La grieta (Alberto García Ortiz and Irene Yagüe Herrero, 2017) is an observational documentary about the eviction of the families of the two protagonists, Isabel and Dolores. These are two cases of the thousands who lost their homes after the sale of subsidised public housing to investment funds by the City Council and the Community of Madrid in 2013. Apart from providing a feminist and class-based vision of the Plataforma de Afectados por las Hipotecas (PAH) struggles, its observational aesthetic, rich in visual motifs, makes it a singular work of great interest, due to its relationship with the Spanish film archive on evictions and with some national and international expressions of political art. Beyond this, it is a piece that praises everyday life in the urban peripheries and addresses the issue of uprooting and the mental health problems of families who are forced to leave their homes.
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