El nuevo documental y el activismo de la cuarta ola feminista. Arenas de silencio: Olas de valor (Chelo Álvarez-Stehle, 2016) y El techo amarillo (Isabel Coixet, 2022)





forth wave feminism, sexual violence, autoethnography, haptic visuality


This article uncovers the relationships between certain authorial documentary practices and the narratives of the contemporary feminist movement by analyzing the themes and expressive resources present in Sands of Silence: Waves of Courage by Chelo Álvarez-Sthele and The Yellow Ceiling by Isabel Coixet. The first documentary transforms ethnographic discourses about “the others,” women from distant cultures, through the intersection of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Mexico, Nepal and India and child sexual abuse in Spain. The second offers a complex and reflective approach to the collective complaint of some former students of the Aula de Teatre de Lleida that resonates with the global Me Too movement. The article emphasizes the importance of the feminist genealogy of the organizational formulas and cinema of the third wave for the current ethical treatment of the testimony of survivors that overcomes reductionist and re-victimizing arguments. Furthermore, it explores how the haptic and sensory imagery of these choral documentaries appeals to empathy and solidarity between women outside of spectacularization and voyeurism.


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Author Biography

Maribel Rams Albuisech, Investigadora independiente

Maribel Rams Albuisech
PhD in Hispanic Studies and Graduate Certificate - PGCert in Film Studies (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), 2018.
Master in Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities (University of Barcelona), 2010.
Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (UB), 2008. Hispanic Philology (UB), 2003.
Accreditation: ANECA for Lecturer, 2022.
Book: Posmemoria, emigración y guerrilla. El documental autoetnográfico de María Ruido y Carla Subirana. Edicions de la Universidad de Barcelona, 2023.
8 journal articles and 2 book chapters.
Visiting Professor and Lecturer: University de Lleida (2021/22), Boston College (2020/21), Western Washington University (2018-2020).


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How to Cite

Rams Albuisech, M. (2024). El nuevo documental y el activismo de la cuarta ola feminista. Arenas de silencio: Olas de valor (Chelo Álvarez-Stehle, 2016) y El techo amarillo (Isabel Coixet, 2022). Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (29), 201–224. https://doi.org/10.24310/fotocinema.29.2024.19224