Virtual reality and metaverses as a channel and inspiration for fashion films. Immersive branded content and fashion


  • Pablo Martin-Ramallal Centro Universitario San Isidoro, adscrito a la Universidad Pablo de Olavide Spain
  • Mercedes Ruiz-Mondaza Escuela Universitaria de Osuna (ESEA) Spain



Fashion, Fashion films, Metaverses, Virtual reality, Inmmersion, Branded content


Fashion films are a vital tool in the promotion of fashion, which take advantage of new technologies. This study examines the influence of virtual reality (VR) and metaverses on fashion branded content, focusing on their ability to inspire and create immersion. The research adopts a deductive approach using a case study to assess the influence of VR and metaverses on this marketing strategy. A total of 116 industry professionals and experts were surveyed and subjected to a Likert questionnaire. As a result, it was found that VR-inspired, VR-designed or VR-based FFs have the ability to overcome communication barriers and are well-received by the fashion-conscious public. The potential of VR and metaverses is highlighted, especially in terms of storytelling, promotion and brand experiences. While some aspects of spherical immersion, such as 360° videos, are seen to be in decline, innovative formats, such as metazines and metaverse festivals, generate interest. Despite mixed opinions, most heurists see these technologies as a source of inspiration


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Author Biographies

Pablo Martin-Ramallal, Centro Universitario San Isidoro, adscrito a la Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Dr. Pablo Nicolás Martín Ramallal is an Associate Professor with a career in Social Sciences and Communication at the university level since 2010. Currently, he is Head Professor and Degree Coordinator at Centro Universitario San Isidoro, attached to the University Pablo de Olavide, being the first private university centre in Andalusia with the ANECA Audit Seal certification. At San Isidoro, he teaches subjects in Official Degrees in Communication and Digital Communication, covering subjects such as Graphic Design, Digital Image Processing, Augmented Reality, Web Design and Vectorial Design. In addition, he is a tutor for dissertations, supervises final degree projects and participates as an assessing member in Final Degree Examination Boards since 2017.
As a researcher, he has published articles indexed in indexes such as Scopus or JCR, and written or co-written several book chapters in prestigious publishers. He has participated in international conferences and led teaching innovation projects supported by the Junta de Andalucía. He also serves as a reviewer for journals indexed in Scopus and JCR. His academic training includes a PhD in Communication from universities in Cadiz, Seville, Malaga and Huelva, where he obtained the Extraordinary PhD Award with the doctoral thesis entitled "Virtual reality and transmedia advertising. A multidisciplinary study of immersive advergaming".

Mercedes Ruiz-Mondaza, Escuela Universitaria de Osuna (ESEA)

Graduated in Design at the CEADE School of Design with the Final Project with Honours. Master in Research Methodology International University of La Rioja (UNIR). Degree in Audiovisual Communication. Teaching experience from 2016 to 2020 at CEADE Leonardo, Higher Authorised Centre for Design Studies (EADS). From 2020 to the present she has been teaching as Professor in charge at the Escuela Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de Osuna (ESEA), linked to the University of Seville (Spain) in various subjects related to Design and new technologies. Professionally related to the world of Design, Communication and Social Media. Together with the rest of the ESEA staff, she has won several awards and recognitions for teaching and social awareness.
Her lines of research converge in Innovation in Education, Communication, Fashion, Design, Advertising, Information and Communication Technologies. In terms of management, Mercedes Ruiz-Mondaza is part of the Department of Coordination of the Degree in Fashion Design.


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How to Cite

Martin-Ramallal, P., & Ruiz-Mondaza, M. (2024). Virtual reality and metaverses as a channel and inspiration for fashion films. Immersive branded content and fashion. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (28), 299–327.