The Archive of Photographic Memory of the Spanish Civil War. The published photograph as an object of study




Photobook, Photographic archive, Photography, Spanish Civil War, Photographic book, Photographic exhibition


Published photography, in its various forms such as the photographic catalog, the photobook, the photographic book, the artist's book or the fanzine, is still a field within photography that, despite its wide use and interest, still has little academic development. In this article we collect the research carried out for the creation of the Archive of Photographic Memory of the Spanish Civil War, a project that begun in 2022 with the aim of gathering all contemporary publications published on the memory of the war in Spain and that takes the published photography as an object of archive, analysis and dissemination. Through this case study we explain the sources of recovery of books and catalogs, the methodology of analysis used, the main trends observed in the research conducted, and the main ways of communication, dissemination and transfer. Finally, in the conclusions, we offer a series of reflections on the questions and challenges for the future that have arisen during the development of the project.


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How to Cite

Martín Núñez, M. (2024). The Archive of Photographic Memory of the Spanish Civil War. The published photograph as an object of study. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (28), 91–112.