Heterotopia, multiverses and time travel: the representation of science in Futurama and Rick & Morty
Representation of science, heterotopia, multiverse, time travel, Futurama, Rick and MortyAbstract
This research aims to detect, codify and quantify the main scientific themes and problems presented in sitcoms Futurama and Rick & Morty with the aim of determining how scientific discourse is constructed, which science fiction subthemes are present and what type treatment receives science and the figure of scientists. Using a methodology based on grounded theory, the scientific disciplines and specific topics have been quantified and subsequently coded using variables in order to verify whether there is a direct relationship with a type of approach and representation of reality. From the discussion of the results, it is determined that the series do not reflect an apocalyptic and dystopian vision as science fiction cinema has historically done, although they present scientific concepts in a hyperbolized and inaccurate way, tending to ridicule both the scientific character as well as the physical and mathematical problems that arise. This precept leads to an interpretative duality that straddles between the demystification of stereotypes that demonize science and the projection of inaccurate axioms that can lead to an erroneous understanding of science by people.
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