Dissemination and representation of scientific audiovisual content on TikTok social network
Social Networks, TikTok, Scientific Contents, Video, Experiments, YouthsAbstract
This article proposes an analysis of the videos with scientific content that are disseminated on the TikTok social network. The research has as its General Objective to carry out one of the first outlooks of the dissemination and representation of scientific content in a social network whose audience is mostly young. For this, it is proposed an analysis of the origin of the images, the theme and duration of these videos, the level of interaction, and the type of users who disseminate these contents. The research compiles a sample of the 300 most popular scientific-themed videos. The sample videos accumulated 936 million views and were uploaded by a total of 182 creators. In the research, we detected that the prototypical scientific video on TikTok mostly uses images recorded by the creators, with an average duration of 1 minute and 54 seconds, with a theme based on scientific experiments, and with a low interaction rate (although it is more remarkable in likes versus comments). In addition, it is detected that there is no concentration on the part of the creators when the application rewards the content against its origin.
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