Some tribulations of contemporary film analysis. Notes in the margins of Conexiones, un diálogo con Santos Zunzunegui (Asier Aranzubia, 2022)
Film Analysis, Textual Analysis, Santos Zunzunegui, Asier Aranzubia, ConexionesAbstract
This paper is a subjective exploration of the place of film analysis in the contemporary Spanish academic world, taking as a starting point the book Conexiones, un diálogo con Santos Zunzunegui (Asier Aranzubia, 2022). For this purpose, an impressionistic essayistic style is used to deploy a series of theoretical suggestions on the evolution of film writing in the last four decades and on its corresponding transfer processes in the Spanish university. Special emphasis is placed on the difficulties that the current system of publish or perish exerts on new researchers and on the difficulties of access to accreditations. On the positive aspects, the figure of the teacher and the exercise of analysis as a method of knowledge transmission and reflection in the classroom for a correct reflection on the processes of meaning of the film are vindicated. Our text intends to explore the many successes of Aranzubia's book and to vindicate the legacy of Santos Zunzunegui in the contemporary panorama of film analysts in the Hispanic field.
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