Image, memory and essay in Photographs (Chus Domínguez, 2014)




Documentary, Photography, Collective Memory, Film Essays, Chus Domínguez


Photographs (Chus Domínguez, 2014) is a thirty-minute video made up of photographs and discarded sound clips recorded for Territorio Archivo, a project that explored the relationships between the family photo album, memory, and the people of different Castilian villages. This article proposes an analysis focused on three aspects: the documentary value of the images and their potential for memory work, the way in which the text articulates its discursive framework, and the relevance of the essayistic features that define the essence of this work. The combination of testimonies and photographs from different private archives gives birth to a memory that lives in the present and that is individual and collective at the same time; Photographs is based on a complex discourse defined by its capacity for thought, its tendency towards the unsystematic, its subjectivity, its textual self-awareness, and its dialogical character. All these features indicate that in order to explain the discursive essence of Photographs and how it relates to the viewer, it seems more productive to read it not simply as a documentary but rather as an audiovisual essay.


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How to Cite

Minguez Arranz, N. (2022). Image, memory and essay in Photographs (Chus Domínguez, 2014). Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (25), 313–334.