Reflections and aesthetic exercises around the visualisation and dynamisation of photographs: creating visual memories from photographic images




Photographic images, Interpretation and visual reading, Dynamisation, Audiovisual products, Objectivity and subjectivity, Visual memories


We start from the idea that the photographic image connects objective reality and the subjective world. This idea has been extensively elaborated in the field of the Theories of Photography and Cinematography, such as Siegfried Kracauer, Edgar Morin, Roland Barthes and other authors, as well as in some of the experiences of the film director Agnès Varda. Thus, through the application of various mental and technical devices - smartphone cameras - we proposed and carried out a sequence of practical experiments in relation to the reading, observation and dynamisation of some of the author's photographs. The results yield interesting insights into the emergence of new personal and narrative interpretations, beyond the reality captured objectively and mechanically by the camera. These results take the form of various audiovisual pieces, one of which is included here. The latter constitute in themselves new creations and aesthetic attitudes which, despite being related, are situated on the margins of the original work.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Domínguez Burrieza, University of Valladolid

Francisco Javier Domínguez Burrieza. PhD in Art History

Associate Professor

Art History department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Valladolid (Spain).

Member of the Recognized Research Group IDINTAR "Identity and artistic exchanges. From the Middle Ages to the Contemporary World". Coordinator of the Project of Teaching Innovation "Application of audiovisual tools for educational and professional development in the field of Art History". In the cinematographic and audiovisual field, author of scientific publications and organiser, coordinator and director of conference cycles, courses and workshops on film analysis, audiovisual production, photography, video art or film audio-description.  Speaker at international film conferences.

José Luis Cano de Gardoqui García, University of Valladolid

José Luis Cano de Gardoqui García. PhD in Art History


Art History department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Valladolid (Spain).

Member of the Recognized Research Group IDINTAR "Identity and artistic exchanges. From the Middle Ages to the Contemporary World" and of the Project of Teaching Innovation "Application of audiovisual tools for educational and professional development in the field of Art History". Director of the Chair of History and Aesthetics of Cinematography at the University of Valladolid (2008-2011). For years he has been teaching "History of Cinema I", "Aesthetic Theory of Cinema" and "Introduction to Cinematographic Language" in the Art History Degree at the University of Valladolid.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Burrieza, F. J., & Cano de Gardoqui García, J. L. (2022). Reflections and aesthetic exercises around the visualisation and dynamisation of photographs: creating visual memories from photographic images. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (25), 177–192.