Fictional tactics of memory. New narrative discourses in contemporary photography.




Memory, Photography, Artistic creation, Fiction, Identity


In the current context of affirmation of postphotographic theses and their challenge to traditional documentary values, photographs have lost their credibility as supposed objective units of knowledge. Even so, photographic images continue to be a powerful instrument for the analysis, understanding and critical interpretation of the world and an unrivaled graphic record of time –past and present– that constantly appeals to individual and collective memory. All narration implies a process of invention of reality itself that it aims to point out: sometimes, memory is just a reflection, a mirage or an illusion of experiences, or an ideal construction that helps people images of his own amnesia. This article investigates some of these fictional memory tactics in contemporary photography.


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How to Cite

Vega de la Rosa, C. (2022). Fictional tactics of memory. New narrative discourses in contemporary photography. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (25), 1–37.