Relajo y humor carnavalesco como sátira política en Un mundo maravilloso (Estrada, 2006)
Humor, grotesque, Mexican cinema, necropolitics, discursive analysisAbstract
This study investigates the rebellious potentiality of the carnival grotesque (Bajtin, 1974) from the figures of “relajo” and “pelado”, two fundamental concepts of the Mexican cinematographic imaginary. For this, the film by the filmmaker Luis Estrada A wonderful world ( 2006), which together with Herod's Law (1999), Hell (2010) and The Perfect Dictatorship (2014) can be considered a tetralogy about the current sociopolitical situation in Mexico, share themes, a critical and satirical perspective to portray social history and recent politics in Mexico, denouncing the murky relationships between political corruption, organized crime, large economic corporations, and the media. It is finally verified how through grotesque Mexican humor, the ambivalence of laughter, parody, and carnival investment, the mechanisms of oppression in the establishment and maintenance of inequality between social classes are revealed and the distribution of wealth.
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