The Built and Filmed City. Influence of Modern Architecture in the dystopian imaginary of Gattaca and Blade Runner 2049.




City, Dystopia, Modern Architecture, Bauhaus, Science Fiction


The representation of the city has been a constant since the beginnings of cinema, among other reasons because its birth coincided with the growth, expansion and development of cities. Western political thought has sought to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants through the design of cities, one of the main concerns of utopias. However, cinematographic fiction usually offers us the creation of dystopian imaginaries that incorporate an architectural ensemble that responds to the thought and ideals of Modern Architecture.

This article analyzes the influence of these assumptions on the representation of the dystopian city in film, from two different approaches. On the one hand, the projection of real spaces as the setting of dystopia (Gattaca, 1997), and, on the other, the construction of the dystopian city from the director's notion of it (Blade Runner 2049, 2017). To this end, a previous study of the thinking underlying the architectural styles emanating from the principles of Modern Architecture and the possible representations of the city in the cinematographic realm framed in the socio-cultural historical context in which they were born is carried out


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Author Biography

Belén Ramírez Barredo, Universidad CEU San Pablo

Degree in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid and PhD cum laude in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising from the UCM. Extensive teaching experience in different undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the areas of Advertising and Audiovisual Communication at three universities (Centro Universitario Villanueva, Universidad Complutense and CEU San Pablo) and the Centro de Estudios Garrigues. Research experience focused on the fields of graphic design, cinema and advertising. I combine teaching with professional activity in the field of Advertising, Communication, Interior Architecture and Marketing as a Graphic Designer.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Barredo, B. (2022). The Built and Filmed City. Influence of Modern Architecture in the dystopian imaginary of Gattaca and Blade Runner 2049. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (24), 175–193.