Identidades visuales de la Nueva Movida en el paisaje urbano desde la fotografía española
Cambios y paradigmas generacionales construyendo una mirada de Madrid
Nueva Movida, Movida, Photography, Madrid, Spanish, Urban LandscapeAbstract
The cultural context of the Movida has changed to put aside the common spaces built by the community to lead to an individualistic and adolescent landscape that disdains adult responsibilities. The Nueva Movida has developed a youthful and intimate photography in which the subject has also become the creator of his own gender and sexuality. However, both generations occur in the urban context of Madrid; an urban landscape that has changed its way of looking and being looked by itself, to develop a place that works, no longer for the community of the eighties, but for the unique and individualized being of the new century. The present study tries to focus on the treatment of Madrid in the photography practiced by a generation that has been named as the natural heir of the streets of the city.
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