The communist twilight of Prague in the architectures of TV serie The Sleepers (Ivan Zachariáš, HBO, 2019)




Rationalist architecture, Communism, Czech Republic, Velvet Revolution, Filming locations


Czech filmmaker Ivan Zachariáš offers a complex spy plot in The Sleepers in the previous weeks to the Velvet Revolution, which ended four decades of communism in Czechoslovakia. The film locations of this TV serie depersonalize the monumental Gothic and Baroque Prague of another audiovisual productions to collect an interesting catalog of rationalist architecture, as the building D?m Radost (Karel Honzík y Josef Havlí?ek) -clearly influenced by Le Corbusier-, the headquarters of the sport organization Sokol (František Marek, Václav Vejrych y Jaroslav Kabeš) or the Strašnice Crematorium (Alois Mezera). These scenarios, which make possible to recreate from diplomatic spaces to the offices of the Czechoslovak political police (ŠtB), also visit historicist Prague of Václav Roštlapil or the socialist architecture of František Je?ábek, architect for the International Hotel. A new cinematographic view, definitely, to one of the most architecturally diverse cities in Europe.


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Author Biography

Adolfo de Mingo Lorente, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Adolfo de Mingo studied History of Art and Journalism at Universidad Complutense and Universidad Carlos III. PhD in History of Art at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. His lines of research are XVIIIth architecture and relations between cinema and history of art. His latest books are El Greco (1952): El documental perdido de Antonio Navarro Linares (2015) and El Cine de la Santa: Teresa de Jesús en la Gran Pantalla, 1925-2015 (2015). In 2016 got into the Real Academia de Bellas Artes y Ciencias Históricas de Toledo, with a discourse about Toledo in cinema. Since 2019 is a professor at Escuela de Arquitectura de Castilla-La Mancha.



How to Cite

de Mingo Lorente, A. (2022). The communist twilight of Prague in the architectures of TV serie The Sleepers (Ivan Zachariáš, HBO, 2019). Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (24), 363–376.