Substrates of hierophanies, archetypes and rituals in the films of Gutiérrez Aragón




Spanish cinema, Gutiérrez Aragón, sacred tree, nurturing mother, food


It proposes a new approach to the cinema of Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, until now studied from political perspectives or, above all, literary and mythological with categories such as magic, fabulation, heroic figures, etc. A hermeneutics of that filmography is made from sacred forms established by the phenomenology of religions that stand out particularly in the films Camada negra, El corazón del bosque, Demonios en el jardín, La mitad del cielo and Todos estamos invitados: the forest and the sacred tree, the archetype of the nurturing Mother and the ritual of food. This allows us to consider how, in a medium of just one hundred years, such as cinema, there are also hierophanies, archetypes and rituals of the millennial history of religions. Contrast this substrate of pagan religiosity with telluric roots and links with agrarian deities with contemporary Spanish Catholicism. 


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Author Biography

José Luis Sánchez Noriega, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

José Luis Sánchez Noriega is Full Professor of Theory and History of Film at Complutense University. He is lead researcher, with Virginia Guarinos, of the research project "Displacements, Emergencies and New Social Subjects in Spanish Cinema (1996-2011)". He wrote the book Crítica de la seducción mediática (2002, 2nd ed. Ministry of Culture Grant). He has many other publications, such as Universo Almodóvar. Estética de la pasión en un cineasta posmoderno (2017), Diccionario temático del cine (2004), Obras maestras del cine negro (2003) and De la literatura al cine. Teoría y análisis de la adaptación (2000). 


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How to Cite

Sánchez Noriega, J. L. (2021). Substrates of hierophanies, archetypes and rituals in the films of Gutiérrez Aragón. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, 23, 159–177.