Rethinking cinema from its margins. Cinephilic moments and relocation in the work of Víctor Erice in the 21st centur




Víctor Erice, Spanish cinema, cinephilia, cinematographic experience, museum


This article is based on the assumption that the audio-visual production by the Spanish filmmaker Víctor Erice in the first 20 years of the 21st century is especially significant to understand some important changes in the national cinema of this period. The analysis focuses on the way these works (short films, half-length films, film essays, documentaries and installations for museums) have presented different ways of reflecting the cinematographic experience. To illustrate this relation between experience and places, between the artist’s work and the film culture that surrounds it, this text leans on one the concepts most usually used to analyse his career: cinephilia. It explores however its theoretical reformulation considering the most innovative works in this field of research during the last twenty years. Based on two central categories in the methodological redefinition of cinephilia (cinephilic moment and relocation), the last part of the article will focus on the in-depth analysis of some representative works of Erice’s audio-visual production in these years.


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Author Biography

Fernando Ramos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España

Dr. habil. Fernando Ramos Arenas is professor of History of European Cinema at the Department of Art History at the Universidad Complutense and key staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair European Audiovisual Heritage in an era of Transformation. From 2010 to 2017 he was assistant professor at Leipzig University (Germany) and in 2017-2018 Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University. He has published two monographs and edited volumes at publishing houses such as Springer or Tirant lo Blanch; his articles has been also published in high ranking journals such as Screen, Historical Journal of Film Radio and Television, Media History, Hispanic Research Journal o Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies.


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How to Cite

Ramos, F. (2021). Rethinking cinema from its margins. Cinephilic moments and relocation in the work of Víctor Erice in the 21st centur. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, 23, 137–157.