Otherness and marginalisation: characters from the other side in Spanish cinema (1999-2012)





Spanish cinema, otherness, marginality, crime, trans identities, immigration


Spanish social cinema chooses to emphasize narrative universes related to microhistory in order to show a society in evolution from the time of the political transition. The turn of the millennium presents a panorama that has many differences with previous stages, therefore the cinema more attached to realism offers numerous examples of characters belonging to what is considered "the otherness”. This paper focuses on the period from 1999 to 2011 in Spanish cinema, analyzing the characters of three different spheres of "others": social issues such as immigration, non-normative sexual and gender identities and crime are developed from individual, daily and concrete perspectives, supporting Quintana's thesis (2008) in which he calls this way of dealing with social issues "shy realism".  In order to approach these forgotten and marginal characters in greater depth, the main particularities and constants are sought through narrative analysis and case studies.


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Author Biographies

Inmaculada Gordillo, Universidad de Sevilla, España

Associate Professor. Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Faculty of Communication. Sevilla University. Spain.

Vice-Dean of Academic Planning and Teaching Staff of the Faculty of Communication. Member of the research group Analysis of Media, Images and Audiovisual Narratives (ADMIRA) of the Andalusian Research Plan (PAI) SEJ496 and, currently researcher of the R+D+i Project "Displacements, emergencies and new social subjects in Spanish cinema (1996-2011)", of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Her research areas include Audiovisual Narrative (film and television), Audiovisual Screenwriting, Gender Studies and Intercultural Communication.

Sergio Toledo , Universidad de Sevilla (Eusa), España

Assistant Professor

Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. EUSA (Center associated to the University of Seville). Spain. Sergio.toledo@eusa.es

PhD in Audiovisual Communication, Bachelor in Information Sciences and Master in Communication and Culture from the University of Seville. Member of the team Analysis of media, images and audiovisual stories (ADMIRA) of the Andalusian Research Plan (PAI) SEJ496 and, currently carrying out a research stay at the Communication Sciences School of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His research interests are Spanish cinema, content generation, audience measurement and television entertainment.

María Toscano-Alonso, Universidad de Sevilla, España

PhD student at the University of Seville, studying her doctorate in Audiovisual Communication. Her main area of studies focuses on gender studies, queer theories and trans identities in relation to narrative theory and film studies. She is a member of the AdMIRA Research Group (SEJ496).


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How to Cite

Gordillo, I., Toledo , S. ., & Toscano-Alonso, M. . (2021). Otherness and marginalisation: characters from the other side in Spanish cinema (1999-2012). Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, 23, 75–96. https://doi.org/10.24310/Fotocinema.2021.v23i.12277