Cinematic blueprint on Social Media: A comparative analysis


  • Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón Blanquerna URL, EU Mediterrani-UdG, Cesine, CECABLE España Spain
  • Pedro Mir-Bernal Universidad de Navarra Spain
  • Almudena Barrientos-Báez Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR Spain
  • Marc Perelló-Sobrepere EU Business School Spain



Branding, Social media, Movie studios, YouTube, Interactivity


This paper aims to analyze the activity of the three biggest movie studios in social media, 20h Century Fox, Warner Bros and Universal Studios, and how that is affecting in the numbers and importance of each. Through deep searches, professional advice and the use of some statistic programs, we were able to pull out some interesting assumptions that will be discussed. We have focused in different parts of each Social Media since, we think, each one is designed to fulfill one specific aspect, for example create discussions or just present a piece of work or trailer in our case. With that approach we expect to determine which of the companies has understood better the way they have to be used and if they had won any kind of advantage through the good use of this medias presented as more interaction between themselves and the viewers and a more effective way to present their products. We conclude a correlation between movie studios impact and social media in terms of posts and comments. YouTube is the main social media for movie studios companies.


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Author Biographies

Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón , Blanquerna URL, EU Mediterrani-UdG, Cesine, CECABLE España

Doctor of Journalism (cum laude). He is a professor at Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull, Escola Universitària Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona, Pompeu Fabra University, CESINE, Euncet-UPC and EAE Business School. He is principal investigator of the Research Group on Digital Journalism and Broadband and the SIMPED Research Group. He has published numerous books and indexed scientific articles on communication, telecommunications and social sciences. He is the director of the Center for Cable Studies (CECABLE) and has received various awards for his scientific activity.

Pedro Mir-Bernal, Universidad de Navarra

PhD in Communication and Marketing. He is a professor at the University of Navarra and at ISEM Fashion Business School. He is a member of the Research Group on Digital Journalism and Broadband and the SIMPED Research Group.

Almudena Barrientos-Báez, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR

Doctor with international mention in Education. Professor at the Iriarte University School of Tourism, attached to the ULL (Tenerife-Spain) and at the European Univ. Master in Management of Protocol, Production, Organization and Design of Events - Communication area - (UCJC) and Master in Management of Tourist Accommodation (Univ. Girona). Degree in Tourism (EUTI-ULL) and Teaching (Univ. Valencia).

She is part of the DEBATv project, Televised Electoral Debates in Spain: Models, Process, Diagnosis and Proposal (CSO2017-83159-R), an R + D + I project (Challenges) funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Agency State Research (AEI) of the Government of Spain, with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU). IP1 José Rúas Araújo. IP2 Ana Belén Fernández Souto.

She is part of the project New values, governance, financing and public audiovisual services for the Internet society: European and Spanish contrasts (RTI2018-096065-B-I00) of research of the State R & D & I Program oriented to the Challenges of the Society of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), the State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). IP1 Francisco Campos Freire. IP2 Miguel Túñez López.

Marc Perelló-Sobrepere, EU Business School

Doctor in Communication. He is a professor at EU Business School, He also collaborates with the Johan Cruyff Institute (JCI). He is a member of the Research Group on Digital Journalism and Broadband and the SIMPED Research Group.


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How to Cite

Fondevila-Gascón , J.-F. ., Mir-Bernal, P. ., Barrientos-Báez, A. ., & Perelló-Sobrepere, M. . (2021). Cinematic blueprint on Social Media: A comparative analysis. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (22), 427–445.