From illustrated magazines to independent photojournalism: itineraries of photographic practice in Brazil of the 20th century


  • Ana Maria Mauad Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil Brazil
  • Silvana Louzada Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ, Brasil Brazil
  • Luciano Gomes de Souza Júnior Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil Brazil



Brazil, public photography, photographic practice


In Brazil, throughout the 20th century, the photographs published on the pages of magazines and newspapers modeled a visual public space, in which facts and photos were combined in the narrative of events. The city of Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian capital until 1960, was the privileged space for the institutionalization of photographic practice, since it was concentrated, since the 19th century, the main photographic studios, as well as the editorial houses responsible for the circulation and sale of prints.

The article addresses the itineraries of public photography in contemporary Brazil. It focuses on the evaluation of the production of a visual public space, valuing three moments in which the photographic practice is consolidated in spaces of the weekly, daily and independent press: the illustrated magazines from the first half of the 20th century, with emphasis on four magazines: "Careta", "Revista da Semana", "Fon-Fon" and "O Cruzeiro"; the photojournalism of daily newspapers, “Jornal do Brasil”and “Última Hora”, in the 1950s and 1960s; and the agencies of independent photographers of the 1970s and 1980s, such as: Central, Angular, F4, AGIL Fotojornalismo, Fotocontexto, among others, acting as important instruments of documentation of social movements, and promoting the consolidation of independent production, the practice of archiving originals, control over the publication and dissemination of photographs. It is understandable that in such spaces public photography was forged as one of the dimensions of contemporary historical experience that relied on the technical image to shape its events. In order to inquire about how history was visualized in each of these domains, it proposes a script that begins with a brief consideration of public photography and visual public space, followed by a reflection on news production in the illustrated weeklies, including the registration of events in the regime of the photographic icons and arriving at the independent photographic practice.

Conceptually, photographic practice is understood as ways of seeing, presenting and representing the social world,  a historical experience that founded the contemporary Western world. The social circuits in photography and their uses and functions multiplied in a visual economy sustained by the technical image as a device for the production of social meaning. In methodological terms, it uses the historical analysis of the primary documentation found in the database of the digital library of the National Library of Brazil and in the archives of the Oral History and Image Laboratory of the Universidade Federal Fluminense. The historical analysis is complemented with an appraisal of the communicative forms and the power of meaning of four photographs, highlighted from each of the historical periods analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Ana Maria Mauad, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil

Ana Maria Mauad has a Ph.D. in History and is a Full Professor in the History Department at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Since 1996 she is a researcher of the Brazilian Council of Research, and in 2013 became a researcher of the State Council of Research in Rio de Janeiro. In 2018 she spent a year as a Visiting Scholar at St. John's College, Cambridge University, as a member of Celso Furtado Chair. She teaches Theory and Methodology of History in graduation and under graduation courses. She also advises Ph.D., a Master's degree, and under graduation students. She researches in the field of photography and history in which converges issues connected to  Visual History, Oral History, and History of Memory. She coordinates collective projects in those fields, sponsored by the main Brazilian agencies.  Nowadays, she takes part in the Brazilian Public History Network and coordinates altogether with Maria Teresa Bandeira de Mello, the Working Group: Visual Culture, Image, and History - ANPUH-Rio. In which is developed an international network of researchers about photographic practice, historical experience and memory, promoting the Annual Forum - An Agenda for Photography

Silvana Louzada, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ, Brasil

Silvana Louzada da Silva is a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) on the Belford Roxo campus. He graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UNB (1982). He has a specialization in Photography from Universidade Cândido Mendes (2001), Master's (2004) and a PhD in Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2009). He completed a Sandwich Doctorate at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) between 2007-2008. Conducted postdoctoral research at the Graduate Program in History at UFF and at the UFRJ School of Communication.

Luciano Gomes de Souza Júnior, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil

Luciano Gomes de Souza Júnior is PhD student in the Graduate Program in History at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Master in Social History (2015) and graduated in History (2012) from the same institution. He was a substitute professor in the Department of Theory and Planning of Education at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2016) and is currently a high school teacher in the public system (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).


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How to Cite

Mauad, A. M. ., Louzada, S. ., & Gomes de Souza Júnior, L. (2021). From illustrated magazines to independent photojournalism: itineraries of photographic practice in Brazil of the 20th century. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (22), 221–254.