Study of the photographic practice in Cusco in the period from 1897 to 1920
A study of Cusco photography between 1897 and 1920 is proposed, a period of which there is partial knowledge of the photographic activity in this Andean city. Even though the archives of the photographers of this period are lost or have not appeared to date, and even given the limited bibliography, an attempt will be made to specify about their commercial and creative dynamics and the relationship they may have had between them and with the sociocultural context in limited years. A qualitative methodology has been used with an interpretive approach to period documents and narrative design to be able to string together the information collected, with the aim of knowing how the development of photography was in Cusco until 1920, the year of the arrival of the photographer Martín Chambi to this city. The study detects the activity of many photographers, the professional scope of their work in the public sphere, the offer of postcards and views for tourism, the relationship between scientific projects and photography, and other aspects.
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