The Sky Turns (2004): Mercedes Álvarez’s counter-monument to the idea of progress


  • Georgina Oller Bosch University of Califonia, Davis, USA United States



The Sky Turns, documentary, counter-monument, memory, progress, Mercedes Álvarez


The year 2020 marks the 16th anniversary of the premiere of The Sky Turns, Mercedes Álvarez's debut feature. Originally from Aldealseñor, Álvarez turns the spotlight on this tiny village in Soria (Castilla y León) as the real protagonist of her multi-awarded documentary. According to the synopsis of the film included in the commercial DVD, at that time only 14 men and women still lived there, none of them under age. Álvarez was, and still is, the last person born in Aldealseñor: The Sky Turns follows her return to her homeplace where she meets the locals at a time when the village is undergoing a process of modernisation devised, officially, with the aim of arresting its depopulation. Unofficially, though, The Sky Turns may be read as the counter-monument (to use the term coined by James E. Young) erected against an idea notion of progress.


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Author Biography

Georgina Oller Bosch, University of Califonia, Davis, USA

University of Califonia, Davis, USA. Department of Spanish and Portuguese.


Spanish and Latin American documentaries.

The Narrative Construction of the Reality.

Hegemonic, Alternative, and Non-Confrontational Narratives.

Memory and Postmemory.

Present Memory.


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How to Cite

Oller Bosch, G. . (2020). The Sky Turns (2004): Mercedes Álvarez’s counter-monument to the idea of progress. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (21), 267–288.