Call For Papers para el nº 27-2023: Comunicación, divulgación y representación mediática de la ciencia


Communication, Dissemination and the Presence of Science in the Media

This monograph aims to bring together studies that promote the research and analysis of the presence of any discipline of science in film and photography. Studies that analyze the informational and documentary value of the work and show the transfer of scientific knowledge as well as its application in research are accepted for this study.

The presence of science in film and photography that contributes to critical reflection on science are also of interest because society grows with culture and forges stereotypes based on these representations. There is also room for historiographic research on the relationship between image and science.

Science has a powerful ally in the use of iconic manifestations for its study and dissemination, which facilitates the understanding of the scientific-technological language. In fact, in the media, visuals stand out as a resource for reading comprehension to explain concepts and theories. The knowledge of traditional and digital strategies suitable to tell stories related to science through visual content is of interest. Visual content addresses an expressive and meaningful reality. Also of interest are studies that shows the origin of images of science that are disseminated in the media.

In addition to these topics, this monograph invites participation in other lines of research that foster debate, discussion and exchanges concerning the study and analysis of the images of science found in scientific film and photography. A new paradigm of the visual is before us.

 The following thematic lines of reflection and analysis are proposed, although this is not a closed list:

-Artistic and documentary aspects

-History of photography and cinema in science

-Applied narratives

-Treatment and conservation

-Image source

-Presence of science 

Bibliographic references:

Alasaad, S. (2000). Ciencia y cine: encuentro de fronteras. (Tesis doctoral). Universidad Córdoba.

Alonso, I.J. (2019). Una casa que es un museo: recorrido por la breve historia del primer centro de divulgación científica de Sevilla. Mol: boletín de la Sociedad de Ciencias de Galicia, 19, 28-35.

Barca, L. (2005). As múltiplas imagens do cientista no cinema. Comunicação & Educação, 10(1), 31-39.

Catilho, T. & Bovolenta, D.F. (2022). La ciencia como artefacto cultural, análisis de la narrativa cinematográfica en películas de ciencia ficción. Praxis & Saber, 13 (32), 1-16.

De Moraes, G. & Maryelli, M. (2015). Cine y ciencia:  un análisis de los estereotipos presentes en la película infantil Frankenweenie, de Tim Burton. Alexandria: Revista de Educacao em Ciencia e Tecnologia, 8 (2), 183-197.

De Vicente, A.M. & Cea, N. (2020). Divulgación científica y redes sociales: análisis de la fotografía. En: K. Meso, S. Peña y A. Larrondo (coord.) Nuevos actores y estrategias en el espacio mediático compartido. Universidad del País Vasco (pp. 58-69).

Gómez Sánchez, A.I., Hellín, P.A. & Romera, C. (2011). Los sentidos de la ciencia en el cine. Metodología para su análisis. Razón y palabra, 78.

Lafuente, C. & Vecina, E. (2021). La divulgación científica en una exposición fotográfica sobre el estudio anatómico del ojo de la ballena, adaptada pedagógicamente para personas con discapacidad visual. Arte, individuo y sociedad, 33 (4), 1449-1471.

Mascarenhas, L., Marxiellen, L. Lotte, V. & Cunha, C.  (2012). Imagem   da   Ciência   no   cinema:   um   levantamento   de produções    cinematográficas    comerciais    produzidas    no período entre 2000 e 2011. XVI Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Química (XVI ENEQ), Brasil – 17 a 20 de julho de 2012.

Medina, M.A. (2014). Imagen y ciencia. Paradigma: revista universitaria de cultura, 16, 27-36.

Oliveira, B. (2006). Cinema e imaginário científico. História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos, 13, 133-150.

Robertson, F. (2006). Science and Fiction: James Nasmyth's Photographic Images of the Moon. Victorian Studies, 48 (4), 595-623.

Tucker, J. (2020). Photography and the Making of Modern Science. En G. Pasternak (coord.), Handbook of Photography Studies, (pp. 235-255).

Wilder, K. (2009). Photography and Science. London: Reaktion Books.

Juraszeck, C. & Monteiro, R. (2020). Interfaces entre cinema, ciência e ensino: uma revisão sistemática de literatura. Pro-Posições, 31.