About the Journal

Focus and Scope

FOTOCINEMA. Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía, is an online scholarly journal devoted to Visual Arts and Audiovisual Communication Studies. The journal encourages contributions in areas such as the conjunctions of study, analysis, knowledge, history and reflexions about Cinema and Photography. 

Within the diversity of formats both cinema and photography have acquired, Fotocinema promotes current and emerging research in Photography and Cinema and also it provides a space to discuss theoretical and methodological reflections about visual media and cinema from its origins up to this day.

Fotocinema has been conceived as a project which links knowledge and dissemination of Film Studies and Visual Arts in order to encourage scientific critique and dialogue with the current methodological trends being made in those studies areas. This journal is addressed to academic and research communities with an interest in the thoughtful exploration of Cinema and Photography.

On this basis, there is no limit to rigorous studies in theoretical or methodological aspects. It is an open journal which accepts any works about Photography and Cinema. Fotocinema values scientific discussion and therefore it will publish unpublished works about theoretical nature and other analysis of different works.

Our journal has two sections: Articles and Dialogues. Proposals will be accepted for monographic issues.

Peer Review Process

FOTOCINEMA has undergone rigorous peer review process, based on «double-blind peer-review» system.

Once the manuscript has been received by the journal, an Assistant Editor at Fotocinema will check for compliance with formatting, style and content requirements. In addition, the following criteria will be assessed:

  • Originality, actuality, and novelty.
  • Relevance to the fields covered by the journal.
  • Methodological quality and writing.
  • Fit in the thematic and analysis parameters.
  • Priority in articles signed by one or two authors (those with more than one author must include the "Authors' contributions" at the end of the text).

Once the manuscript is accepted, it is sent to two external expert referees not belonging to the author’s institution. They will decide if the manuscript should be published. If they there are dissenting opinions, a third expert opinion is requested. In getting two positive reports from external referees, the author is notified accordingly. Then, the manuscript is properly formatted and published. Otherwise, if it is rejected the author will receive a detailed report with the reasons for non-acceptance.

Anyone can check the external referees report anonymously through the following link: Review Report.

To ensure that the manuscript remains current, Editor Team or reviewers will respect the established time frame. Here below, the step by step review and publish processes are detailed as follows:

Reception of Manuscripts

Formal Review

up to one month

Selecting external peer reviewers                   

up to one month

Peer reviewers process                                    

up to three months

communication to the author

up to three months

Revision of Manuscripts after the assessment

Re-reading and final decision

up to one month


up to one month


up to one month

Fotocinema has more than 200 PhD supervisors who guarantee the quality of scientific papers. Selections of reviewers will be done according to their specific fields. Conflict of interest will be avoided and it will be taken into account that both authors and reviewers do not belong to the same institution.

Editorial Team will ensure the anonymity when submitting a paper, the time frames and all the information required for authors. At the end of the review process, all review collaborators will receive a certificate.

Panel of peer reviewers is published periodically to preserve double-blind peer review process.

Evaluadores 2010-2015

Evaluadores 2016-2018

Evaluadores 2019

Evaluadores 2020

Evaluadores 2021

Evaluadores 2022

Evaluadores 2023


Open Access Policy

Revista científica de cine y fotografía is a free open access journal to all readers and it does not charge to authors interested in publishing in this journal. Readers and users are allowed to cite, share, print and distribute all the material published in this journal as long as it is also made clear and accurately that works have been firstly published in Fotocinema. Revista científica de cine y fotografía. In any case works will not never used with commercial purposes. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for or add links to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other legal purpose, without prior consent from the publisher or author, in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

On the other side, authors are allowed to reuse their published works, that is to say, they can file the final Editor’s version to be used in other contexts. Fotocinema. Revista científica de cine y fotografía recomends to authors to file their articles in their personal webpages, institutional university repositories and public repository (such as Mendeley, Cosis…), scientific social networks (such as ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Kudos…), generalist social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, bibliographic managers, Google scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, ScopusID…and so on.

Fotocinema is indexed in several and different databases that assure the preservation to it content access in the case Fotocinema ceases to be published. In addition, it is stored in the University of Málaga Repository.


Publication frequency

Each year two issues are published. During the first stage, Fotocinema published these two issues in April and October. From 2015 issues will be published during the months of January and July.

2010: número 1 (octubre, 2010)

2011: número 2 (abril, 2011)

2011: número 3 (octubre, 2011)

2012: número 4 (abril, 2012)

2012: issue 5 (October, 2012). Monograph: “ The broken arms” Coordinator: Pedro Poyato, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain.

2013:  issue 6 (April,  2013)

2013: issue 7 (October, 2013)

2014: issue 8 (April, 2014). Monograph:  “Narrative forms in crisis of Cinema” . Coordinators: Antonio Sánchez Escalonilla y Araceli Rodríguez Mateos, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, Spain.

2014: issue 9 (October, 2014)

2015: issue 10 (January, 2015). Monograph: “Convergent looks: Photography and Interpretations in the Humanities and Social Sciences” Coordinators: Javier Marzal Felici (Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Spain) y Bernardo Riego Amézaga (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain).

2015: issue 11 (July, 2015)

2016: issue 12 (January, 2016). Monograph: The idea of time in Photography and Cinema

. Coordinators: Eduardo Rodríguez Merchán, Celia Vega and Lidia Esteban.

2016: issue 13 (July, 2016). Monograph: Photography and the Spanish Civil War: from snapshot to History. Coordinators: Rafael R. Tranche and Beatriz de las Heras.

2017: issue 14 (January, 2017). Monograph: Text(s) and screen(s): cross-media relationships and processes of adaptation. Coordinators: J.M. González and Iván Gómez.

2017: issue 15 (July, 2017). Monograph: Sex and erotism in Cinema. Coordinators: Gonzalo Pavés and Francisco García Gómez.

2018: issue 16 (January, 2018). Monograph: Photography-Panting-Cinema: aesthetic interconnections. Coordinators: Arturo Colorado and V. Andrade.

2018: issue 17 (July, 2018). Monograph: The revolutions in the viewfinder: intervention, persistent and purposes. Coordinators: Pascale Thibaudeau and Sonia Kerfa.

2019: issue 18 (January, 2019). Monograph: Word and Image. Coordinators: Eduardo Balleta and Manuel Blanco.

019: issue 19 (July, 2019). Monograph: Ver Bien: ambliopía e imagen óptica. Coordinators: Ramón Esparza (Universidad del País Vasco, España) and Paula Gortazar (University of Westminster, United Kingdom).

2020: issue 20 (January, 2020). Monograph: El cine y la memoria: forma de producción y dimensiones históricas. Coordinators: Ana Laura Lusnich (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Eduardo Morettin (Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brasil).

2020: issue 21 (July 2020). Monograph: The "European Dream": Narratives of a Crisis in Film and Photography. Coordinators: Pablo Echart (Universidad de Navarra, España) and Paolo Russo (Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom).

2021: issue 22 (January 2021). Monograph: The History of Photography in Latin America (19Th and 20Th Centuries). Coordinators: Andrea Cuarterolo (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Magdalena Broquetas (Universidad de la República, Uruguay).

2021: issue 23 (July 2021). Monograph: Spanish Cinema Between Millennia (1990-2010). Coordinators: Virginia Guarinos (Universidad de Sevilla) and Jean-Paul Aubert (Université Côte d’Azur).

2022: issue 24 (January 2022). Monograph: Images and Sounds of Urban Geopolitics. Coordinators: Pietsie Feenstra (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3), Jezabel Gutiérrez Pequeño (IUT Dijon- Auxerre, Université de Bourgogne) and Jordi Macarro Fernández (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3).

2022: issue 25 (July 2022). Monograph: Photographic Visual Memories. Coordinators: Isabel Arquero Blanco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Luis Deltell Escolar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

2023: issue 26 (January 2023). Monograph: The Stylization of Popular Comic Culture in Spanish Cinema. Coordinators: Bénédicte Brémard (Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, Francia), Carolina Hermida Bellot (Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, CEU Universities), Begoña Siles Ojeda (Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, CEU Universities).

2023: issue 27 (July 2023). Monograph: Communication, Dissemination and Media Representation of Science. Coordinators: Aida María de Vicente Domínguez (Universidad de Málaga, España), Javier Sierra Sánchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España) and Mirian Estela Nogueira Tavares (Universidade do Algarve, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação, Portugal).


Code of Ethics

Fotocinemais inspired by the ethical code of publications and best practice guidelines prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) 

Our journal uses the Code of Conduct and Good Practices for scientific journals defined for editors by the PUBLICATION ETHICS COMMITTEE (COPE).

Our journal thereby guarantees an appropriate response to the needs of readers and authors, ensuring the quality of the published work, protecting and respecting the content and integrity of the articles. The Editorial Board will publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

In compliance with these best practices, Fotocinema has published the arbitration system that is followed for the selection of articles as well as the evaluation criteria to be applied by the anonymous, external peer-reviewers. Fotocinema keeps these criteria current, based solely on the scientific importance, the originality, clarity and relevance of the presented article.

Our journal guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluation process at all times: the anonymity of the reviewers and authors; the reviewed content; the reasoned report issued by the reviewers and any other communication issued by the editorial, advisory and scientific boards as required.

Equally, the strictest confidentiality applies to possible clarifications, claims or complaints that an author may wish to refer to the journal’s committees or the article reviewers.

Fotocinema declares its commitment to the respect and integrity of work already published. For this reason, plagiarism is strictly prohibited and texts that are identified as being plagiarized, or having fraudulent content, will be eliminated or not published in Fotocinema. The journal will act as quickly as possible in such cases. In accepting the terms and conditions expressed by our journal, authors must guarantee that the article and the materials associated with it are original and do not infringe copyright. The authors will also have to warrant that, in the case of joint authorship, there has been full consensus of all authors concerned and that the article has not been submitted to, or previously published in, any other media.

Duty of authors

Authors should guarantee that the manuscript and all materials associated with it are original. Also, they will do not infringe copyright statements or send the same manuscript simultaneously to another different journal. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and in doing so they will not be published in the journal and will be removed from it.
A Turnitin file/report (or similar) must be uploaded on the status of the article, prepared by the author himself (articles with more than 20% similarity will not be accepted, excluding the bibliography).

All authors will confirm the veracity of data in order to verify that they have not been altered to prove their hypothesis. Equally, they have to check there are not conflicts of interest that could have influenced the results of the research.

Authors will guarantee that all of them have significantly contributed to the research. Besides, they will stablish a hierarchy according to their contribution.

Authors will be responsible of their writing and they are committed to provide all the required information to Editorial Board in case of any relevant mistakes or relevant retractions.

Authors will provide all the information about financial and support resources to undertake their research.

Duties of Referees

In the framework of these good practices, Fotocinema Journal has a “peer review checklist” published on its website in order to select the journal articles as well as the evaluation criteria to be applied by external, anonymous and peer reviewers. All these criteria are being updated and based strictly according to the scientific relevance of the paper, its originality, clarity and pertinence of the submitted work.

Peer-review process is defined as a procedure for experts to advice on submitted articles. Reviewers are committed to check them thoroughly in a critical, honest, constructive and impartial way taking into account both scientific quality as well as writing quality of the manuscript in their skills and knowledge area.

Manuscripts will be treated in a confidential manner. Authors and referees will be anonymous as well as the contents to be evaluated, the report of external evaluators and any other statement issued by the Editorial Board and Team Advisory. Any explanations, complaints or claims made by authors to peer-reviewers will be also considered private as well.

All judgements should be objective. Reviewers will send a critical and completed report including all appropriate references according to the protocol and the assessment sheet of Fotocinema. They are obliged to advice to editors if substantial parts of the work have already been published or they are under regular review in another journal. Reviewers should point out relevant published works not included or cited in the submitted manuscript.

Reviewers must not have any conflict of interest and they should not use the contents of the manuscript for personal purposes.

Reviewers are committed to evaluate manuscripts in time in order to respect the deadlines.

Duty of Editors

Editors will guarantee a selection of the best-qualified and specialized reviewers to issue an expert and critical appreciation of manuscripts with little level bias as possible. There will be no discrimination against authors on grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality or political opinion.

Editors will take reasonable measures to identify and prevent any research malpractices to be published. Under no circumstances Fotocinema will promote those malpractices and will not allow to occur consciously.

Editors, Editorial Committee and reviewers will undertake properly any suspected misconduct in the research and they will deal appropriately with complaints and revision of papers, if necessary.

Editors will make themselves available for publishing revisions, clarifications, retractions and any apologies, if required.

Editors have primary responsibility for the fulfilment of the limits of time for reviews and the publication of accepted papers, to ensure rapid dissemination of its results. They reliably undertake to comply with the published deadlines on Fotocinema website (See “Peer-Review Process”). 

Fotocinema is indexed in different databases to ensure preservation and access to the content of the journal in case it is not published anymore. Besides, the journal is stored in the University of Malaga Institutional Repository (RIUMA) http://riuma.uma.es/xmlui/handle/10630/5079

Every article has a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier).

Anti-Plagiarism Checker

Fotocinema. Revista científica de cine y fotografía maintains an anti-plagiarism policy ensuring that all manuscripts are original and unpublished. This journal uses Similarity Check and Ithenticate software to compare the text of submitted papers for similarity. A Turnitin file/report (or similar) must be uploaded on the status of the article, prepared by the author himself (articles with more than 20% similarity will not be accepted, excluding the bibliography).


Call for Papers

Fotocinema is a semi-annual journal that publishes monographic numbers duly announced. You will find all the information at Announcements.


Digital Preservation Policy

Photocinema. Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía uses DOI, which is a persistent identifier, thus ensuring that the link will be preserved, and DOAJ, which is a community initiative of peers, who maintain the collaborative open access journal directory project to identify principles of transparency and good practices of academic publications. It is also hosted on Dialnet.



 Rejection rate (last 4 years: 58.75%)

2017. Received articles: 59. Rejection rate 45%

2018. Received articles: 57. Rejection rate 38%

2019. Received articles: 69. Rejection rate 57%

2020. Received articles: 82. Rejection rate 54.8%

2021. Received articles: 81. Rejection rate 58%

2022. Received articles: 102. Rejection rate 61.7%

2022. Received articles: 102. Rejection rate 61.7%

2023. Received articles: 78. Rejection rate 60.5%

Journal History

Fotocinema began publication in 2010 and founded by two academics at the University of Malaga. Their name are PhD Nekane Parejo and PhD Agustín Gómez.

One year later, Fotocinema is hosted on several databases such as DOAJ, ISOC by CSIC, DICE, Dulciena, Google scholar, ERIH PLUS, REVISCOM, EBSCO, Academic Journal Database, Recolecta, CiteFactor, e-Revistas, JournalTOCs, CCHS by CSIC, DIALNET, ULRICHS, REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico)

In 2016 Fotocinema is included in the citation index known as Emerging Sources Citation de Web of Science (WOS) by Thomson Reuters and now by Carivate Analytics.

In 2017 Fotocinema is hosted on UMA Editorial’s server, changing its URL at http://www.revistas.uma.es/index.php/fotocinema/index

At present this journal has h5 index and i10 1 index in Google Scholar.

In 2018 Fotocinema is included in the 2017 ranking of REDIB (Revistas científicas iberoamericanas), announced by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad, besides Clarivate Analytics in the subject category of Humanities. According to REDIB Humanities Index, Fotocinema is placed in 6th Spanish position and 9th position on an international level with 18.306 index. MIAR ICDS index for Fotocinema is 9.5. Google Scholar Metrics with an h index of 12 and a ig10 of 19.

Also, Fotocinema is listed in the following national and international directories and databases, such as COPAC (U.K.), SUDOC Collective Catalogue (France), ZDB Collective Catalogue (Germany) OCLC WorldCat (International), Archipel Plus (Toulouse, France), University Library of Sheffield (U.K.), RIUMA (Repository of the University of Málaga), Spanish National Library Catalogue (BNE), the Iberoamerican University Net (Universia), Sherpa Romeo, REBIUN; RESH Plataform:13 completed CNEAI criteria in 2012; CNEAI (14 completed criteria) and LATINDEX (32 criteria). Dialnet (2021 C1 in Art).

The first issue was published in October 2010. The journal is biannual, two issues a year (January and July).

Author charges

Authors are not asked to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) for this journal in any case.