Reflective practice in postgraduate teachers, understand to transform
teacher education, reflexive professional, competence reflexiveAbstract
Each of the world forums of education from Jomtiem, Thailand (1990), to Incheon, Republic of Korea (2015), have a fundamental objective which is the improvement of the quality of education, which requires substantive changes in teacher education that produce a series of competences for its professionalization.
Professionalizing a teacher acquires a connotation of autonomy, expert knowledge and ability to build his own knowledge from his experience, a critical stance is assumed in the process of training and professionalisation where the development of a reflexive practice (RP), is required.
The purpose of this scientific article is to communicate the process and results of an action research, from the diagnosis, design and implementation of intervention that consisted of a workshop based on the paradigm of reflexive practice for postgraduate teachers and finally the results of the evaluation
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