The Adaptation of Letter to Greco in Smaragdis’ Kazantzakis


  • Helena Gonzalez Vaquerizo a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:31:"Universidad Autónoma de Madrid";} Spain



film adaptation, Karantzakis, Smaragdís, Letter to Greco, biopic


This paper analyses Yannis Smaragdis? film Kazantzakis (2017) as an adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis? autobiographical novel Letter to Greco (1957). Assuming that the literary text is to be seen as a hypotext that can be altered, the study focuses on a comparison of the novelistic and filmic versions. As the paper suggests, Kazantzakis is largely based on the Letter to Greco, and this closeness to the novel often leads to artificiality. On the other hand, studying the novel?s transfer into film allows for a better understanding of the processes of adaptation, and of cinematographic allusion and quotation, since the presence of the filmic adaptations of Kazantzakis? novels by Jules Dassin, Michael Caccoyannis, and Michael Scorsese is prominent on Smaragdis? Kazantzakis.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Vaquerizo, H. “The Adaptation of Letter to Greco in Smaragdis’ Kazantzakis”. Trasvases Entre La Literatura Y El Cine, no. 2, Oct. 2020, pp. 123-40, doi:10.24310/Trasvasestlc.vi2.9422.



Nikos Kazantzakis: transpositions from paper to the big screen