Tula without censorship: a survey of the «other version» of Miguel Picazo’s classic





Film adaptation, screenplay, Tula, Unamuno, Picazo, censorship, García Escudero, New Spanish Cinema


Since its success at the San  Sebastián International Film Festival (1964),  Miguel Picazo's La tía Tula has become one  of the milestones of the “New Spanish  Cinema” and, over time, one of our  classics. However, as García Escudero  himself predicted, General Director of  Cinematography during those years of  “openness” of the Franco regime, the  prejudice of having been censored in excess  has not ceased to accompany the film,  almost as an attribute already inherent to  it. Moreover, the fact that the censored  negatives were destroyed would have only  contributed to this legend. In this study,  we intend to compare the film that has  reached us with the script published in  2005 on the occasion of the 40th  anniversary of its premiere. In doing so,  we will take into account not only the  scenes and shots cut by the censorship, but  also all the modifications made by Picazo  himself in his task of staging his work. Our  journey will reveal a more complex and  nuanced version of the main characters, as  well as a much more detailed, incisive and  even scathing portrait of the provincial  society of the early sixties.


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How to Cite

Suñé Minguella, G. “Tula Without Censorship: A Survey of the «other Version» of Miguel Picazo’s Classic”. Trasvases Entre La Literatura Y El Cine, no. 2, Oct. 2020, pp. 211-39, doi:10.24310/Trasvasestlc.vi2.8662.


