Watch the Skies (and the Earth)! Things From In and Out Of This World


  • Anton Giulio Mancino Università degli Studi di Macerata Italy



film adaptation, John W. Campbell, John Carpenter, Who Goes There?, The Thing


What and how many are  the «Things» that have crowded science fiction literature and cinema,  beginning with the story «Who goes  there?», by John W. Campbell, and  the first film, The Thing from Another  World, extracted from this book by  Christian Nyby and Howard Hawks  and, after that, the remake by John Carpenter with the simple title The Thing? And how do we get to the historical-political chart of Italy in the 70s through the filter of science fiction? Why, for example, the Italy marked by the mafia power («Cosa   Nostra») and terrorism becomes the privileged functional space of the «thing paradigm»? This paper is   entrusted unravel the imperious ghost  («Cosa Nostra») y por el terrorismo se convierte en el espacio funcional privilegiado del «paradigma de la cosa»?    


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How to Cite

Mancino, A. G. “Watch the Skies (and the Earth)! Things From In and Out Of This World”. Trasvases Entre La Literatura Y El Cine, no. 2, Oct. 2020, pp. 43-57, doi:10.24310/Trasvasestlc.vi2.8467.



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