The Frankenstein Myth in Film: Transmediation and Science Fiction (Blade Runner and 2049)


  • Laura Sánchez López Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain



interdiscursive analysis, feminism, Gald´ós, Buñuel, Tristana


The   objective   of   the present   paper   is   to   perform   an interdiscursive     analysis     on     the configuration   of   the   character   of Tristana in the novel by Benito Pérez Galdós  and  in  the  cinematographic adaptation of Luis Buñuel, both with a title  of the same  name as the main female   character.   In   addition,   we will     try     to     find     a     historical motivation, under a feminist perspective,  that  justifies  the  main change  that  the  filmmaker  makes  in the  construction  of  the  character. For   this,   it   will   be   necessary   to introduce someconcepts on interdiscursive analysis, proposed by Tomás  Albaladejo,  as  well  as  basic notions    about    transduction, by Doležel.


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How to Cite

Sánchez López, L. “The Frankenstein Myth in Film: Transmediation and Science Fiction (Blade Runner and 2049)”. Trasvases Entre La Literatura Y El Cine, no. 1, Dec. 2019, pp. 181-96, doi:10.24310/Trasvasestlc.v0i1.6574.


