Cervantes y Goya: una lectura intertextual entre Orson Welles y Terry Gilliam
Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco de Goya, Literature and Cinema, Cinema and Painting, intertextualityAbstract
Of all the adventures of Don Quixote, the one with the windmills that the character sees (or insists on seeing) as giants in chapter VIII of the First Part is one of the most cinematographic of the entire work. The objective of this article is to analyze how Orson Welles and Terry Gilliam rewrite this famous scene through their peculiar use of cinematographic language. In particular, the meaning acquired by the presence of some emblematic works by Francisco de Goya in both film texts will be analyzed. It will be shown how both the black paintings and The Colossus and The Giant contribute to elaborate a perspectivist discourse on Don Quixote’s madness and to rewrite the famous scene of the windmills also based on the aforementioned pictorial hypotexts.
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