About the Journal

Focus and Scope 
Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine is an online academic journal dirigida devoted the relationships between Literature and Cinema, and it is dedicated to exploring the multiple connections between both artistic disciplines, especially cinematographic adaptations or transpositions of literary texts, the influence of cinema on novels, its thematic links and the theoretical and methodological reflection on how to approach its comparative study, without establishing hierarchies between the two arts or using the equivocal and sterile concept of "fidelity" to carry out the analysis.
Given that these transfers with the cinema affect literatures of all eras and languages, and that dialogue can take place in both directions (from literature to cinema, and also from cinema to literature), we aspire to generate with this journal a multidisciplinary meeting point (aimed primarily at philologists, but also, among others, experts in Cinema, Art History or Translation and Interpretation) and with an international scope so that researchers interested in this field of study can make their work public.


Peer Review Process

The Editorial Board of the journal reserves the right to a first review of the manuscripts to verify that they match the thematic and formal criteria. In the case of not meeting these requirements, the author will be informed of the reasons for the rejection and will be allowed to send it again.

Articles that do comply with these standards will be subjected to a double-blind peer review. The OJS electronic platform where the journal is hosted will be the means through which the articles will be submitted:


A copy of the work will also be sent to the email address rmal@uma.es, which will be acknowledged by the director of the magazine. Next, the articles will be sent to two experts and they will have 15 days to issue their reports, which will include one of the verdicts below:

a) Acceptance.
b) Acceptance subject to revision.
c) Rejection.

In all cases, the verdict will be motivate and will be sent to the author. A third referee will be used if unanimity is not achieved and the confidentiality of both authors and reviewers will be maintained throughout the process.

The "Miscellaneous" and "Monographic" sections are made up of original research articles and are, therefore, evaluated through this process of external reviewers, while for the sections not evaluated the Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or reject their content.  These sections that do not include articles (hence they do not present an abstract and keywords) and that, therefore, are not subjected to double-blind peer review, are the following:

- "Presentation" (by whoever coordinates the monograph).

- "Corpus" (filmographic and / or bibliographic).

- "The voice of the creators" (interview from the double aspect of literature and cinema to writers and filmmakers).

- "Reviews" (referring to recent books that specifically address the relationship between Literature and Cinema).

The evaluators will refuse their participation in the event that they consider that a conflict of interest may arise and their impartiality may be questioned and to ensure the integrity of anonymous evaluations, the instructions detailed in "Ensure anonymous review"

Publication Frequency

Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine is pusblished anually from the date of its first publication.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides inmediate open access to its content,  based on the principle that offer the public free access to research support to a greater global exchange of knowledge. The contents of this journal are under an Attribution 4.0 International licence.


Publication Ethics

Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine follows the Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Gender equality best practices

UMA Editorial, as the academic publisher of the University of Malaga (UMA) managed through the Publications and Scientific Dissemination Service of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Transfer of the University of Malaga (UMA), shares the values of the institution. One of them is "equality" between women and men.

In this sense, we follow the guidelines of the Style Guide for the Edition of the Publications and Scientific Dissemination Service, which is based on the Guidance Guide for the equal use of language and image of the UMA (2015), a useful instrument that offers resources and strategies to avoid linguistic sexism in publishing, teaching, research and management activities.


Author's Commitment

Authors undertake that the manuscript submitted is original, do not incur plagiarism and are not pending publication or acceptance by other journals.

Authors guarantee the veracity of the data provided in the content of their research and ensure that all their co-authors have contributed significantly to its preparation.

Authors authorize to submit their articles to an anonymous peer review process and undertake to correct the manuscripts as indicated in the reports of the reviewers or the Editorial Board.


Editor's Commitment

Editors are responsible for the content published in the journal and that the acceptance or rejection of the articles is carried out exclusively in accordance with a quality standards and the observance of the publication guidelines, and in no case in accordance with discriminatory criteria such as sexual orientation, faith, ideology, gender or nationality.

Editors must ensure the independence of the journal and published articles, so they will avoid any conflict of interest that may exist between the authors and the content of their research, the publishing entity or external evaluators.

Editors will submit the articles received (as long as they fulfill with the thematic and formal norms) to a double-blind peer review before its publication, and the confidentiality of both the author and the external evaluators will be guaranteed.


Peer Reviewers' Commitment

The acceptance of parcipation in the journal as an external evaluator implies the commitment to submit the article report within the indicated period of one month.

The evaluators will refuse their participation in the event that they consider that a conflict of interest may arise and their impartiality may be questioned.


Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all published works are unpublished, through the professional application of Ithenticate's Crossref Similarity Check services, to scan all proposals.

We use the service on all documents that have passed the editorial classification process and are liable to be submitted for blind peer review.

The journal reserves the decision to reject articles with an inappropriate percentage of similarity.

We also have specific plagiarism detection tools such as Unicheck, an open access platform that monitors originality and controls plagiarism.


APC - Article Processing Charge 

Trasvases entre la Literatura y el Cine do not charge authors any fee for submitting and publishing their manuscripts (APC).


Inoperability Protocols

Journal's website features:

`-OAI-PMH Protocol

-Metadata encoding using DUBLIN CORE 1.1

-MODS 3.4 metadata

-OpenURL 1.0 metadata

OAI URL for havesters:  https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/trasvases/oai


Digital Preservation Policies

The journal Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine automatically assigns a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ??managed by Crossref, a persistent alphanumeric identifier that guarantees the individual identification of the files and their access despite the changes that their URL may undergo.

PKP Preservation Network (PN)

The PKP Preservation Network (PN) provides free preservation services for any OJS journal that meets a few basic criteria. Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine keeps this plugin active and others compatible with OJS to guarantee the external and permanent storage of the files published in this journal.


Open Journal Systems is compatible with the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system that guarantees the journal a permanent and secure archive. LOCKSS is an open source program developed by the Stanford University Library that enables libraries to curate selected web journals by regularly searching registered journals to collect newly published content and archive it. Each file is continually validated against records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the journal itself.

The license and stored content can be accessed via the LOCKSS Editorial Manifest page.


Open Journal Systems also supports the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a permanent and secure archive for the journal. CLOCKSS is based on the open source software LOCKSS developed at the Stanford University Library, which enables libraries to preserve select web journals by regularly checking registered journal websites for newly published content and archiving it. Each file is constantly validated against other library caches, and if content is found to be corrupted or missing, the other caches or the journal are used to restore it.

The stored content can be accessed via the CLOCKSS Editorial Manifesto page.

Aditionally,  this journal is indexed in the Dialnet database, which ensures the preservation of the journal's contents. It is also in the process of being included in the Institutional Repository of the University of Malaga (RIUMA).

Advisory Board

-Duncan Wheeler (Universidad de Leeds)

-José Luis Sánchez Noriega (Universidad Complutense)

-Juan Antonio Perles Rochel (Universidad de Málaga)

-Sabine Schlickers (Universidad de Bremen)

-Francisco Salvador Ventura (Universidad de Granada)

-Isabel Sánchez Castro (Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas)

-Rosario Arias Doblas (Universidad de Málaga)

-José Antonio Pérez Bowie (Universidad de Salamanca)

-Carmen Peña Ardid (Universidad de Zaragoza)

-Christian Wehr (Universidad de Wurzburgo)

-Enrique Baena Peña (Universidad de Málaga)

-Gastón Lillo (Universidad de Otawa)

-Rafael Bonilla Cerezo (Universidad de Córdoba)

-Matei Chihaia (Universidad de Wuppertal)

-Néstor Bórquez (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral)

Editorial Board

-Victoria Aranda Arribas (Universidad de Córdoba)

-Mariia Chizhikova (Universidad de Jaén)

-Amina El Founti Zizaoui (Universidad de Málaga)

-Ana Pascual Gutiérrez (Universidad de Málaga)

-Rocío Peñalta Catalán (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

-Camila Ramos Lavin (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina)