Maya-Spanish medical interpreting modes required in the professional practice in the healthcare services of the Mayan area of the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico
non-professional interpreters, Maya-speaking patients, cross-cultural mediators, medical interpreting modesAbstract
In the Mayan Area of the state of Quintana Roo, México, empirical, non-professional interpreters are often employed in order to establish a certain level of communication between pacients and healthcare providers, thus endangering the health of Maya-speaking pacients. The necessity of relying on profesional experts in cross-cultural communication in the medical sector has been underscored in different international studies (Pistillo, 2003, Angelelli, 2008, Hansen and Halpers, 2010, Mauleón, 2015. Bancroft, 2016, Hsieh, 2016).This article analyzes the social skills and the professional working modes required from cross-cultural medical interpreters, whose academic training is one of the objectives of the forthcoming Master Program in Intercultural Translation and Interpreting being developed by the University of Quintana Roo.
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