
  • Ramón Méndez González Spain




video games, cultural references, localization, cultural adaptation


Academics and professionals are giving much importance to cultural references. They are very usual in almost every possible kind of text and they are something that translators must take into account if they want consumers to fully understand every possible aspect of the original text. There are several strategies in order to solve these cross-cultural differences, all of them adapted to the singularities of every kind of text. But, despite the importance of working appropriately with these texts, videogames are not being given the same treatment as cinema or novels. It’s not just that videogames can have cultural references, but also that they can be a cultural reference in other media. In this paper, we study several real examples and the need to be aware of the importance of both video games and cultural references.


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How to Cite

Méndez González, R. (2016). LOCALIZACIÓN Y CULTURA: COMPRENDER LOS VIDEOJUEGOS COMO REFERENTES CULTURALES. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (7-8), 741–759. https://doi.org/10.24310/Entreculturasertci.vi7-8.11365


