Nonfiction picturebook in the Provincial Public Library of Cádiz. An analysis of the children's and young people's collection
nonfiction picturebook, public library, children's and young people's collection, documentary analysis, systematic observationAbstract
This paper analyses nonfiction picturebooks in the Provincial Public Library of Cádiz to determine the place of this genre, to identify its characteristics and to explore the impact of its organisation on users. In the context of an evaluative case study, three phases were followed, combining different techniques for gathering information: 1) analysis of the collection data provided by the library on the basis of the inclusion and exclusion criteria developed ad hoc to characterise the nonfiction picturebook; 2) documentary content analysis of the non-fiction works identified in the collection; 3) systematic observation of the organisation of the nonfiction collection in the children's and young people's section. The results show that the nonfiction collection is characterised by the presence of works from earlier periods, with a representative number of works from specialised publishers that incorporate visual, artistic and interactive elements, although to a lesser extent. In addition, there were more natural science works than social science works, which is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals underlying the works analysed. Finally, an inadequate organisation and arrangement of these works in space was observed, making it difficult for users to access them in terms of visibility and mobility. Finally, we present the main strengths and weaknesses of the Fund and propose actions for improvement in order to ensure adequate gender mainstreaming.
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