Yo leo y tú escribes: una experiencia de lectura literaria y escritura creativa en un grupo de adultos con discapacidad intelectual
Literary reading, creative writing, intellectual disability, rights approach,, independent livingAbstract
This article aimed to investigate the experiences of creative reading and writing of a group of adults with intellectual disabilities through the implementation of workshops that allowed them to redefine their relationship with literature. For this, a didactic experience was designed and implemented during the COVID-19 Pandemic period, allowing a group of 9 adults with intellectual disabilities to experience literary reading and creative writing in a space for recreation and emotional containment, sharing resources of expression and creativity that allowed them not only to enhance their independent life, from a rights perspective but also to develop creativity. The methodology was designed and implemented under the inclusive research model (Salmon et al., 2018) and from a qualitative paradigm. Among the main results are the identification of the reading and writing interests of the group, a didactic model that suggests activities and resources to address the creation of literary workshops for adults with intellectual disabilities and, finally, the primary evaluations of the Advisory Group regarding the experience of participating in these workshops.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marcela Jarpa Azagra, Carolina González Ramírez, Vanessa Vega Córdova, Herbert Spencer González, Katherine Exss Cid
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