An Approximation for Reading Habits among Students of Arts and Education at the University of La Rioja (Spain)
reading, university of la rioja, teacher training, survey, librariesAbstract
In the context of a survey on reading habits carried out at the University of La Rioja (Spain) among 363 students of the degrees in Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, Geography and History, English Studies and Hispanic Studies during 2022 at the Faculty of Letters and Education Studies, this paper specifically analyzes the data obtained from those students, who are presumably oriented towards a professional teaching career. After detailing the method and the field of study, different variables have been examined and the results have been disaggregated according to sex, age, and area of ??knowledge. As the most relevant results, 77% of the students read a book a month; the second reading language is mainly English (61%), compared to Basque (16%) and French (12%); regarding the reasons for reading, 52% state that they read for pleasure, compared to 28% who do it to learn and 20% who do it as an obligation.
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