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Almudena Cotán Fernández
Universidad de Cádiz
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): ¿Hacia dónde va la investigación educativa?, STUDIES AND ESSAYS, pages 83-103
Submitted: Nov 23, 2019 Accepted: Dec 17, 2019 Published: Jan 30, 2020
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Qualitative research focuses its interests on the analysis of social relations. Numerous are the disciplines and methodologies that derive from it. A good example is the case of the ethnographic method interested in analyzing, describing and understanding the functioning of cultures and what happens to them. From an educational point of view, this approach will allow analyzing and interpreting social reality through human relationships and their context by attributing meanings. Motivated by this context, the present work has as aim objective to carry out a bibliographic review on the ethnographic method. With a descriptive methodology, a review will be made about the origin of this method, as well as its conceptualization and characterization. Secondly, its importance will be approached from an educational point of view and some guidance proposals will be made for its implementation. Finally, it will focus on making a proposal for guidance for its implementation. It will conclude with a section of conclusions among which the multiple advantages that the use of this method offers, highlighting its pro-active nature towards the search for improvements and its descriptive, naturalistic, holistic and inductive character


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