Between the desire to learn and the passion for history: stories in the contemporary university
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The book “Between the desire to learn and the passion for history: stories in the contemporary university” is the result of doctoral research based on the experience of a professor of Medieval History. Alba, the teacher who participates in the research, and Patricia, the research teacher, meet and connect in such a way that the effects of the lived experience transcend the research tasks and are translated into a pulsating narrative of life, meanings and political contributions. pedagogical. From observation to experience, reflection emerges and the emergence of other meanings about being a teacher in today's university. And it invites us to think about the experience of teaching mediation between history and culture, with a reflective and investigative sense and at the same time, committed to the life and humanity of each and every one of us. The author generously allows us to delve into her book as readers and participate in a dense, profound experience that invites reflection on knowledge and (auto)biographical research, as well as the field of Didactics and teaching in Education. Superior. It is, without a doubt, a reading worth doing at this time.
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