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Soledad García-Gómez
Universidad de Sevilla
Victoria Muñoz-Tinoco
University of Sevilla
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023), RESEARCHES, pages 20-34
Submitted: Sep 5, 2022 Accepted: Dec 12, 2022 Published: Jan 31, 2023
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The absence of teachers at the early childhood education stage still remains in so many schools. The well-known feminization process of the teaching profession is persistent and is not threatened by institutional measures or academic proposals that will promote male teachers teaching young children. This paper show qualitative data obtained from structured interviews to thirteen male teachers. They were asked about their decision to enroll in university to achieve the Preschool Teacher Degree and about their early experiences at the Education Faculty (all of them had been students at the University of Seville, Spain). The content analysis carried out shows a determined choice, with frequent references to their affinity with children and their desire to improve education. They felt cuddled by their relatives and, at times, questioned by their friends. Joining the university was grateful, in a few days they overcame the discomfort of being practically the only males in the class group. However, neither the decision-making nor the beginnings were free from prejudice and uncertainty. This paper proposes guidelines for pre-service teaching education in order to understand and address the needs of these male students. It also stresses the urgency of moving forward in this research area to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the situation and to go foster doing properly.


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