Evaluation of research and postgraduate activities. An experience under a comprehensive model
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This article focuses on the development of a proposal for the academic evaluation in higher education. Based on the institutional need of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), Mexico, we developed an evaluation mechanism for its academic staff in their research and postgraduate activities, focused on offering feedback to improve academic work. Considering the need to take into account more robust indicators than scientific productivity by itself, we decided to use the comprehensive evaluation model to define the evaluation areas, based on the experience and needs of the community. Through the participation of 579 academics based on an open survey, the categories and indicators to be evaluated were defined, which are intended to reflect the demands of the particular context of the participating academics. We performed an inductive content analysis of the responses obtained; derived from this, we defined an evaluation mechanism that suggests the use of three instruments: Self-assessment guide; interview guide; and, Questionnaire for students. Each instrument was reviewed by experts from the university community to assess its possibility of application in all university areas. As a result, we obtained a proposal for an evaluation mechanism based on collegiality, thus coinciding with the comprehensive perspective, which aims to reflect the diversity of the university community and the complexity involved in carrying out academic activities in the field of postgraduate and research.
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