Development environments and application of skills experience in Teaching degree in Univer-sity of Barcelona
Competences, Practicum, Evaluation, Reflective practice, PortfolioAbstract
This paper presents partial results of a study in the Prácticum of the degree of Peda - gogy of University of Barcelona. Reflective Practice Seminars, the Portfolio and indivi - dual tutoring as learning environments with great potential for skills development are analyzed. We have developed a survey study applied to the students and the university tutors. The results have highlighted the positive ratings of these environments. On the - se bases and this curricular design, a series of questions arose which needed to be an - swered and which underlie the objectives of this work. To what extent did the expected learning environments have represented opportunities for development and application of competences?, Is it possible to distinguish a more proactive environment for the de - velopment of one type or another of competences?, Have all the competences treated with the same weight in the curriculum? Students and teachers appreciated the indicators that referred to reflective practice seminars very positively. The internship tutors of the University of Barcelona pointed out especially that they had been able to demonstrate the development / performance of transversal competences in their students during reflective practice seminars. All of these competences have been worked mostly explicitly by the University’s tutors.Downloads
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