The university internship as an orientation/training tool. The model of the Pedagogical Degree Courses of Sapienza (University of Rome)
Internship model, circular and integrated model, critical reflection, interview, internship report.Abstract
The subject of this contribution is the presentation of the university curricular internship model adopted in the Degree Courses in Educational Sciences of the "Sapienza", University of Rome. The educational value of the internship activity in the development of professionalism lies not only in the possibility of promoting a generic link between training and work. It is also linked to the multiple possibilities to facilitate the professional choice of students, to be able to carry out a practical-professional experience and, again, to acquire social skills in the working "communities of practice". The university internship activity, in fact, if well designed and organized, allows young people to achieve a useful training to face the social and productive world allowing them to make informed professional choices. In addition, thanks to a well-planned internship, the organizations that host students (companies, public and private bodies) can have a direct knowledge of the specific professional profiles formed through university courses and the possible human resources to be employed. The pedagogical degree courses of "Sapienza" have created a circular and integrated model of internship or a model that allows you to plan a training course appropriate to the achievement of study and work objectives, taking into account the skills, knowledge and interests of students as well as the evolution of the labor market. To make the internship a truly training and orientation tool for work choices, a systematic activity of critical reflection on the entire activity by all the actors involved is fundamental: reflection to be conducted from the start-up phase to the final one. Central to this action is the monitoring of the activity, started since the academic year 2002-2003, in its different phases and by means of different detection tools now almost all digitized (from more structured tools such as questionnaires to semi-structured and open tools, such as the interview and the internship report).
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