Dual training models as integration of academic and labor
Dual enrollment, theory practice relationship, personal narratives, qualitative research.Abstract
This article is dealing with the question, how integration and the in-teraction between theory and practice function in Germany within the framework of dual courses of studies. Isn’t the deficit in practice, complai-ned about when it comes to graduates of universities who did not take part in dual courses of studies, best being met my the integration of theo-ry and practice in dual courses of studies? Dual courses of studies, in Germany offered by universities, colleges of higher education and univer-sities of cooperative education, have a particular permeability. It is cha-racterised by the training’s format and the hybrid structures between aca-demic education, theory and practical education. First of all, the essay illustrates the dual system within the framework of the academic systems in Germany. Afterwards, a theoretical-practical professionalisation of a re-al student – let’s call her Inés Müller – is being traced on her path in a dual course of studies at a university of cooperative education. Methodica-lly, this is being carried out by an autobiographical-narrative interview, by homework and term papers. The result is, that a dual course of studies represents a very good connection between theory and practice, to deve-lop a pedagogical professionalism on a theoretical-practical basis as well as to prevent the ‚praxis shock‘ when reality hits.
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