Impact of expanded collaboration in the Prácticum
School-university collaboration, Co-tutoring, Practicum, Professional community, Internship managementAbstract
The article presents some results of a research project aimed at improving the practicum of the Primary Education Teacher Degree through the creation of "expanded tutoring spaces", collaborative formative teams made up of the teachers who tutor the various practicum students of the same school and their university tutor/s. Six schools, 14 school tutors and three university tutors participated in the project. The "expanded tutoring spaces" were videotaped and final valuative interviews were conducted with the tutors, which were analysed, respectively, through interactivity analysis and content analysis. Different concretizations of the expanded tutoring spaces, adapted to the conditions of each school, were identified. Two main factors seemed to contribute to practicum improvement from these spaces: the mutual support among teachers promoted in them, and the involvement of the schools' practicum coordinators in their configuration.
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