Peer mentoring using the David Allen targeting protocol
Peer tutoring, methodologies, tuning protocol, teacher training, portfolio, feedbackAbstract
Collaborative work is a competency that is currently in demand in all professions. The present work aims to highlight the functions of the tutoring team for the reflection of the tutoring team for the reflection of the teaching practice using the Targeting Protocol as a resource. This study has a qualitative approach of descriptive scope. The content analysis method was used, taking as a research resource the portfolios developed by the students three tutoring teams from the last three generations of the master’s degree in Preschool Education from the Benemérita and Centenaria State Normal School (BECENE). The results show that the tutoring team served as a cognitive and emotional scaffold within the process of building pedagogical knowledge. The peer tutoring experiences through the Targeting Protocol coincide in their transformative potential in the master´s training process. Finally some suggestions are presented to improve the process.
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