The perspectives of university students on Big Data and its role in the education system




big data, undergraduate students, psychometric validation


Speaking about Big Data in education nowadays is to highlight the potential of massive data management for the improvement of educational quality. This article offers the most relevant results of a study conducted in a university context with students of the University of Malaga. The objective of the study was to know and understand the perceptions, opinions, knowledge and attitudes related to Big Data in the education system. For this, a survey study was conducted, using the VABIDAE scale to collect data of 104 university students. A psychometric study of the scale was done with the collected data, as well as a descriptive statistical analysis. The results indicate that students are quite uninformed about Big Data and its uses that can be given in the educational field, although they have a positive perception in the face data and its use. However, they are critical of the benefits and problems that can have on the quality of education.


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How to Cite

Negro Martínez, C., Borrego Linares, M., & Matas Terrón, A. (2020). The perspectives of university students on Big Data and its role in the education system. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 6(2), 153–166.


