Professional development and teachers continuing education: an analysis of the context of education in Angola
Professional development, continous training, training competenceAbstract
The analysis of the actions of continuous training of teachers is a relevant question to know the level of training and professional development of teachers in schools. It also allows us to obtain data on updating professional skills that are fundamental to the exercise of an ever-changing profession.Therefore, this article aims to analyze the continuing education and professional development of teachers in private schools in Luanda, Angola.Thus, the research methodology on which this work is based is both quantitative and qualitative.In this way, the interview and the questionnaire were used as instruments to collect information. The main results are that there is no specific program of continuous training in private institutions, noting the absence of periodic balance sheets to analyze the level of professional development of teachers and other professionals involved. In conclusion, teachers in Angola are motivated to continue training, but there are certain institutional barriers that do not favor continuous training and professional development.Downloads
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