Implementation and analysis of a flipped classroom experience: a case study in upper secondary school
ict, flipped classroom, economics education, secondary educationAbstract
In current information society students should be educated under different learning strategies from those used with previous generations. Educators are reconsidering methodological strategies fostering active learning strategies instead of direct instruction. Among active learning strategies we find Flipped Classroom, which switchs traditional learning order. Direct instruction is transferred out to the class and in class time is dedicated to tasks, discussions or problems solving.
On this article, we show the results of the application of Flipped Classroom in a teaching unit of economics in upper secondary school. After its design and implementation of the teaching unit “Money and monetary policy”, we applied a questionnaire and we used teacher’s observation during the process. After the analysis of collected data, our main conclusion is that students show a positive opinion, specially about the improvements in the attention paid by teachers in the class in comparison with the traditional classes.
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