Analysis of the effects of the teaching practices of the scientific research methodology in the elaboration of the graduation end-of-course work: students' perception


  • Jutema Hebo Quitumba Universidad de Granada Angola
  • Juan Antonio López Nuñez Universidad de Granada Spain
  • Natalia Campos Soto Universidad de Granada Spain





The present Study focuses on improving performance and increasing the academic rate. It aimed to analyze the effects of the teaching practices of the methodology of scientific investigation for the thesis of academic graduation, and the theoretical one is based on the studies developed in the United States of America, European Union and Brazil. The research followed the perspective of the qualitative - quantitative methodology and followed the format of the American Psychological Association (APA) for textual writing. The questionnaire survey, the analysis technique and SPSS (Statistical Package for Sciences) software were used. The study shows that, in addition to the problem of curricular structuring, the passive form of the teaching process is done, they only provide quantitative results, on which they are not related to academic performance, evidencing the qualification needs for teachers in terms Of teaching science.


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How to Cite

Hebo Quitumba, J., López Nuñez, J. A., & Campos Soto, N. (2017). Analysis of the effects of the teaching practices of the scientific research methodology in the elaboration of the graduation end-of-course work: students’ perception. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 3(1), 37–48.


